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Sweater is that winning breed that brawls its opponents into submission. They have excellent gameness and power that their relentless attacks simply overwhelm their opponent. Sweaters used to lack endurance, but infusions into their bloodline made them the most feared opponents they are today.

In their fight, the sweater gamefowl seems to care less about the fate. Both on the ground and in the air, they exert zero tolerance. They've trained hard and now they have the savvy to win in a fight as well.

Yellow Legged Hatch

Yellow Legged Hatch is always bred and conditioned for increased stamina and strength to produce chickens that are either cocks or hens called game fowls.

The hens are not bred to fight when matured, but they are bred, fed and groomed with protein and calcium rich foods to enable them to produce chicks that are highly resistant to flues and other bird-related illnesses. This produces resistant and long-lasting generational fighting stamina.


The Kelso gamefowl fighting rooster is one of the most popular and common rooster breeds used in the sport of cockfighting. They are a bird species that is highly effective in swooping down from above and swooping down from below to attack their prey.

Kelso roosters are stunning in appearance. These chickens are impressive in size (between 6 and 8 pounds) and appearance, with beautiful plumage and iridescent tail feathers.

Boston Roundhead

The majority have yellow legs but they can also have white legs. Red eyes, wheaten or pale yellow hackle, medium to high station, an average weight of 2.0 to 2.4 kg. Boston Roundheads, excepts sometimes exhibit black spurs. They mature early in about 10 months old.

It's intelligent and uses sidestepping and agility to gain the upper hand.

White Fighting Rooster

White Fighting Roosters have thick shoulders, a single straight comb, longer wattles, bright yellow eyes, and a sharp beak.

Large, muscular, and with powerful legs and huge spurs, they are feisty when going toe-to-toe. Due to their size, White Fighting Roosters — both roosters and hens — need plenty of space to roam around.



The Sweater gamefowl fighting rooster is the most prestigious of all gamebirds, and it always comes out on top. The Sweater is an essential part of any discussion of cockfighting. The sweater fighting cock is the dominant kind that knocks out the competition via sheer force of will.


Yellow Legged Hatch

One of the most popular of the Hatch family for it's proven winning ways. The YLH is 100% yellow legged. It is 70% straight combed with light red feathers and is black breasted. These gamecocks are deadly cutters, have deep game and possess very powerful legs and has good endurance for drag fights.



Kelsos are very smart fighters. Unlike other gamefowl, Kelsos don't jump into the opponents knives in the air, but shuffle and weave, or side-step before launching their own air attack. If a Kelso is first in the air, chances are, the opponent will be jumping into his knives. One-two hit and then it's over.


Boston Roundhead

Roundhead gamefowl is one of the many popular bloodlines of fighting roosters that are highly popular today. Roundheads are aggressive, fast fighting, feet out and deadly, sure cutting birds. They have strong and devastating leg power.


White Fighting Rooster

The White Fighting Rooster is popular for being one of the keenest cutting machines in the air and even better on the ground. As a single stroke attacking gamefowl they only hit once but that one kick is lethal most of the time because these roosters are fast gamefowl as well. Smart fighters, the White Fighting Rooster are known to break high, can last a long fight in the pit and are aggressive hitters.

Aside from cutting skill, they have power too which makes their cutting as deadly as any single stroke fowl anywhere. Known as for high flying with aerial finishing moves.


We Are The Number One Breeder and Supplier For Roosters and Hens

Only Available In The Philippines

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Game Fowl

Game fowl, also known as fighting cocks, have been a part of Philippine culture for centuries. Introduced by Spanish colonizers in the 16th century, these birds quickly became symbols of courage, strength, and nobility. Over time, they evolved into a cornerstone of Filipino identity, with cockfighting emerging as a revered sport and social activity.

The Varieties

The Philippines boasts a diverse array of game fowl breeds, each cherished for its unique characteristics and fighting prowess. From the fierce Kelso to the majestic Sweater, enthusiasts can find an assortment of breeds tailored to their preferences. Whether it's speed, power, or agility, there's a game fowl breed to suit every discerning aficionado.

Breeding and Care

Breeding game fowl is both an art and a science, requiring meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of genetics. Breeders across the Philippines devote themselves to preserving and enhancing the traits that define each breed, ensuring the continuation of this cherished tradition. From selecting the finest specimens to providing optimal care and nutrition, every aspect of the breeding process is carefully managed to produce top-quality birds.

Cockfighting Culture

Cockfighting holds a revered place in Philippine society, transcending economic, social, and cultural boundaries. It serves as a platform for camaraderie, competition, and celebration, where participants and spectators alike come together to witness the skill and bravery of these magnificent birds. While controversial, cockfighting remains legal and widely practiced in the Philippines, with enthusiasts passionately advocating for its preservation.

In the Philippines, game fowl represent more than just birds; they embody a rich tapestry of history, tradition, and cultural significance. From their humble origins to their enduring legacy, these majestic creatures continue to captivate the hearts and minds of Filipinos across the archipelago. As stewards of this cherished heritage, we strive to honor and preserve the noble spirit of game fowl for generations to come.

  • Game fowl Philippines

  • Fighting cocks breeds

  • Philippine game fowl history

  • Breeding game fowl

  • Cockfighting culture

  • Game fowl varieties

  • Game fowl care

  • Game fowl enthusiasts

  • Philippine cockfighting tradition

  • Philippine game fowl breeds


Unraveling the Tradition and Controversy

In the heart of the Philippines, amidst the vibrant tapestry of its culture and traditions, lies a centuries-old practice deeply ingrained in the fabric of society – Sabong, the art of cockfighting. This ancient sport transcends mere competition; it embodies a cultural heritage passed down through generations, interwoven with beliefs, rituals, and a profound love for the majestic roosters that take center stage in the cockpit.

Rooted in History:

Sabong traces its origins back to pre-colonial times when indigenous tribes engaged in ritualistic cockfights as offerings to their gods. With the arrival of Spanish colonizers in the 16th century, the practice evolved, intertwining with Catholic festivities and becoming a form of entertainment for both the elite and common folk.

Cultural Significance:

Beyond mere entertainment, Sabong holds deep cultural significance in the Philippines. It serves as a platform for social interaction, forging bonds among participants and spectators alike. Cockfighting arenas, known as "sabungan" or cockpits, are communal spaces where people from all walks of life converge, sharing stories, laughter, and camaraderie.

Moreover, Sabong reflects the Filipino values of resilience, determination, and perseverance. Roosters are meticulously bred and trained, embodying traits of strength, agility, and courage. Owners invest time, resources, and passion into their birds, fostering a deep connection akin to that of a parent and child.

Rituals and Superstitions:

Central to Sabong are rituals and superstitions believed to bring luck and success to the contenders. From the meticulous selection of gamecocks to the offering of prayers and blessings before a match, every step is steeped in tradition. Feather color, spur shape, and even the time of day are carefully considered factors believed to influence the outcome of a fight.

Legal Framework and Controversy:

While deeply ingrained in Filipino culture, Sabong is not without controversy. Despite being legalized and regulated by the government, it faces criticism from animal rights activists who decry the cruelty inflicted upon the roosters. Efforts to ban cockfighting have been met with staunch opposition, with proponents arguing for its preservation as a cultural heritage and source of livelihood for many.

Economic Impact:

Beyond its cultural and social dimensions, Sabong plays a significant role in the Philippine economy. Cockfighting generates substantial revenue through betting, breeding, and related industries such as feed production, equipment manufacturing, and veterinary services. Moreover, it provides livelihood opportunities for breeders, trainers, handlers, and cockpit personnel across the country.

Preserving Tradition:

In the face of modernization and changing societal norms, Sabong remains a resilient bastion of Filipino heritage. While its future may be uncertain, efforts to preserve and promote the sport continue unabated. Associations and federations work to uphold standards, ensure animal welfare, and educate enthusiasts on responsible practices.

Sabong, with its intricate blend of culture, tradition, and competition, stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of Filipino identity. Beyond the arena, it embodies the spirit of a nation, resilient in the face of change yet rooted in its heritage. As debates surrounding its legality and ethics persist, one thing remains certain – Sabong will forever hold a special place in the hearts of Filipinos, an enduring symbol of unity, camaraderie, and the undying spirit of the gamecock.

Cockfighting in the Philippines

Unraveling the Tradition and Controversy

In the vibrant tapestry of Filipino culture, few traditions evoke as much passion, debate, and controversy as cockfighting. Known locally as "sabong," this age-old practice has deep roots in Philippine history and society, intertwining elements of sport, entertainment, and cultural heritage. Yet, amidst its cultural significance, cockfighting stands as a subject of ethical scrutiny and legal contention both domestically and internationally.

A Cultural Legacy:

Cockfighting in the Philippines traces its origins back to pre-colonial times, where it held ritualistic and symbolic importance within indigenous communities. Over the centuries, it evolved into a popular pastime across all social strata, transcending geographical and economic divides. Today, sabong remains a cornerstone of rural and urban life, attracting enthusiasts from all walks of life.

The Thrill of the Cockpit:

At the heart of sabong lies the cockpit, a vibrant arena pulsating with energy and anticipation. Here, meticulously bred gamecocks, known as "game fowls," engage in intense battles of skill and strategy. Each match is a spectacle unto itself, with spectators cheering fervently for their favored bird.

Beyond Entertainment:

For many Filipinos, cockfighting is more than just a form of entertainment; it's a way of life deeply intertwined with cultural identity and camaraderie. Sabong fosters a sense of community, where friendships are forged, and traditions are upheld. Additionally, it serves as an economic lifeline for breeders, trainers, and local businesses, contributing to the livelihoods of countless individuals.

Ethical and Legal Controversy:

Despite its cultural significance, cockfighting remains a divisive issue both within the Philippines and abroad. Critics argue that the sport promotes animal cruelty and violence, citing concerns over the treatment of gamecocks and the bloodshed inherent in each match. International animal welfare organizations have called for its abolition, while some regions within the Philippines have enacted laws restricting or banning the practice altogether.

Finding Common Ground:

In the face of such controversy, finding common ground becomes paramount. Efforts to regulate and modernize sabong have gained traction in recent years, aiming to strike a balance between tradition and ethical standards. Initiatives promoting responsible breeding practices, humane treatment of gamecocks, and strict oversight of cockfighting events seek to address concerns while preserving cultural heritage.

Looking Ahead:

As the Philippines continues to evolve, so too does the discourse surrounding cockfighting. While deeply ingrained in the nation's cultural fabric, sabong faces ongoing challenges in navigating ethical, legal, and societal considerations. Ultimately, the future of cockfighting in the Philippines hinges on a delicate balance between tradition and progress, ensuring that its legacy endures while respecting the welfare of both animals and communities.

In the intricate mosaic of Filipino culture, cockfighting stands as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, embodying centuries of tradition, passion, and controversy. As the debate surrounding sabong rages on, one thing remains certain: its enduring presence will continue to shape the cultural landscape of the Philippines for generations to come.

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Philippines Birds Farms, Sampaguita Street, Silay City, Western Visayas, Philippines

Sampaguita St, Silay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines

Sampaguita Street, Silay City, Western Visayas, Philippines

Call or text:
+63 956 408 1144


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