What is Game Fowl in the Philippines?

Game fowl in the Philippines is one of the most exciting and popular hobbies amongst Filipinos. So much that the passion has travelled across the world across every continent. Although many places in the world have banned or restricted the sport due to a various number of reasons, still to this day many cultures adhere to the tradition with Philippines actually considering the spectacle as their national sport.

Sabong or otherwise known as "cockfighting" has been a national tradition in the Philippines going back to 7000 years ago. Game fowl is a term used when referring to the different types of chickens or roosters (that which identifies a male chicken or cock) during the games or events that are held across the country.

Philippines Birds has farms located in the Philippines that breed, raise, supervise and train many different breeds of fighting cocks using a combination of different strategies from feeds, dietary nutrition and healthy supporting environments for to create a strong bloodline of cocks. From egg to chick and well into the mature years of becoming an adult cock, it takes a very experienced breeder and understanding of each breed to raise a winner in the arena.

Some of the most popular game fowl breeds include: Sweater, Yellow Legged Hatch, Kelso, Boston Roundhead, White Fighting Rooster and Canadian Black and White. All of which are available for show and sale on our website at PhilippinesBirds.com.

Game fowl specifically is a term used by breeders to identify raising a fighting male rooster (from chick, stag, bull stag and cock) to be entered in fights whereby in the Filipino language is called "Sabong." In these games breeders gather from all around the country and enter their own cock (male fighting chicken) to compete in fights to the death. By acquiring a winning title, breeders can earn a reputation for raising winning "game fowl" where other breeders and fans of the sport often converse with one another and even trade birds, as well as methods on how they raise their breeds. It really is apart of the cultures way of life and quite a spectacle! But to each their own...

Is Game Fowl Legal?

In the Philippines, it depends. Different cities enforce their own rules and regulations but in many cases within the Philippines game fowl and the sport of cockfighting is considered legal. Now outside of the Philippines, it's a different set of sticks and stones. Many other countries have restricted the sale of game fowl and even banned the sport due to it's bloody nature. At Philippines Birds, we restrict the purchase of our game fowl from outside of the country purchases and have made our products available only within the Philippines.

What Purchasing Options are Available for Game Fowl?

Most common requests for game fowl we receive are split between the following options: Stag, Pair and Trio

A Stag includes 1 young male Rooster.

A Pair includes 1 male adult Rooster and 1 female adult Hen.

A Trio includes 1 male adult Rooster and 2 female adult Hens.

Depending on the client, order specifications can vary which we are happy to fulfill. Philippines Farms was created by breeders for breeders and the passion of raising game fowl to continue the lineage passed from one generation to another exploring the richness of the culture and sport that is cockfighting.

A Brief History About Game Fowl

My family has been raising and training game fowls since the 1800s. I was raised on the same farm, learning to handle and train these birds from my father and grandfather. I come from a long line of game fowl breeders, and I carry on the tradition with pride. Game fowls are tough fighters who need to be trained to compete in events and tournaments and there can be a lot of Philippine Peso at stake.

We train them using traditional methods such as conditioning, teaching them to spar with each other, and providing a safe training environment for them. It is a slow process that requires patience, but when it works it is worth the effort.

Entering competitions and participating in tournaments is also a great way to learn more about different breeds of game fowls and their different characteristics.

It is a challenging but rewarding experience that has taught us how to be patient, understanding, and how to appreciate each bird from hatch to maturity.

Game Fowl Feeds and Grains

As a professional breeder for many different breeds of game fowl we also offer different feeds and grains to raise chicks as well as feed Roosters and Hens.

Why Do They Call It Game Fowl?

Game fowl are a type of chicken bred for the purpose of cockfighting. They are bred with specific traits that make them suitable for the sport, such as strength and agility. They are also known for their unique colors and patterns, which can be used to identify them in the ring. Game fowl have been around since ancient times and continue to be popular in many countries like the Philippines today.

Philippines Birds Offers an Online Learning Experience Related To Game Fowl

Are you looking to learn more about game fowls in the Philippines? We’ve been researching and studying game fowls here for generations and can provide you with a wealth of knowledge about them. We can tell you all about the history, behavior, and characteristics. We can also discuss the different breeds of game fowls that are native to the region and how they are bred and cared for.

We even have an online course where you can learn more about game fowls in the Philippines. This course covers a variety of topics ranging from legal requirements to breeding methods to nutrition. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out and we can provide more information! When you purchase from us you will automatically be eligible to receive a free account to our online learning course: Philippine Birds


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